Pilates Workout Carves Your Core and Builds a Strong Upper Body
We all want a strong upper body: Building strength in your biceps, lats, tris, back, and other muscles not only helps you in the gym...

The Science Behind 'The Rock's' Cheat Meals
Stacks of Hawaiian pizzas. Cookies the size of manhole covers. Enough sushi to nudge your mercury levels into the danger zone. Unless...

Burn Fat and Build Muscle Quickly
Although lower-intensity cardio burns a higher percentage of calories from fat, total calories burned is what counts when it comes to...

Why the Goblet Squat Rocks
If you’re looking to improve your squatting form, consider holding a weight. It may sound counter-intuitive—after all, tacking on...

5 Ways to Crush Your Fitness Goals in 2020
Whether you’re just starting out on an exercise journey or you’ve been training for a while and are seeking to reach new heights, hitting...

What If 'Exercise Needed to Burn Off Calories' Was Included on Food Labeling?
Would you change your grocery list if a food label said "Walk an hour to burn off the calories in this product"? That's the idea behind a...

With a few words of encouragement from his uncle, a 13-year-old Žydrūnas Savickas started hoisting weight in the dingy and sparse gyms...